Lock Down Week 4
I have been thinking about how I view my own self-care.
Some people see self-care as going for a spa day or having their nails done, going out with a friend for a drink or afternoon tea, to name just a few.
While in lockdown we know this is different, some people find it harder to think what self-care is for them at this time and that’s ok.
I am starting to see my daily routine going out the window, my bedtime is getting later and that also means that waking up is getting later, getting out of my PJ’s is becoming a struggle but I still get showered and I still go out for my walk, I also make sure I have one healthy meal every day.
Self-care is so important for mental wellbeing, when you feel anxious about what is happening, you feel out of control, you are worried, not just for you but your family and friends, your daily routine has totally gone to pot and you start to get that anxious feeling in your tummy, your head starts whirling and your thoughts are going into overload.
You need to really look at what self-care is, and it can mean different things to different people, for me it’s making sure I have my shower each day, going for my walk and eating a healthy meal but it’s also keeping a journal, writing down my thoughts and feelings about what is going on, not just with the C-virus but with my family and frien
Am I snapping at my family, can I handle things in a better way, could I have said something in a kinder way? but I always finish my writing in my journal on a positive note, it may be something I am grateful for or a positive feeling from my walk.

If my head starts to over think things I may colour a picture in that I have printed off the internet, I find that this helps me relax as I can concentrate on the colouring, focusing to stay in the lines, thinking which colours to use. This is my self-care as it stops me over thinking while I complete it, in some cases an hour has gone by before I know it.
Self-care can change depending on the age of your children, let them know that you just need an hour to chill, to have your own quiet time, if the children are a lot younger you could have an afternoon sleep when they do. If they’re at an age in between then they may be able to colour in something with you.
Remember to drink water or juice throughout the day to stay hydrated, this is something I often forget to do (which reminds me now to go get a drink of orange) not keeping hydrated can give me a headache or by the evening I’m snappy with people just because I have forgotten to drink during the day.
These are not normal times and self-care is even more important, it is doing something that helps you to relax, to feel better about yourself, It may be learning to say no to someone so that you can read a book for a while, or get an early night or watch a good film.
Remember that this is only a short time in your life, and we will get through it, (following government guidelines). It’s a chapter in your life story so why not look at what works for you for your own self-care and then carry it forward into your next chapter. Stay safe and stay inside.
See you on the other side.
Anne. xx